Pumpkin Veggie Tray – Healthy

This veggie platter is a Halloween party essential! Here are some tips for constructing this spooky pumpkin from baby carrots and black olives. The stem can be made from broccoli, the end of cucumber, or a celery stick. Serve with Slithering Snake Dip!

To bring you a post full Halloween food creations!  This contribution of a fun good ‘ole veggie jack o’ lantern.  Last October, I had some Halloween recipe fun with black olives.  So, I thought the veggie jack o’ lantern needed some love of its own!  It’s easy to make and is perfect for a healthy, festive Halloween treat!Pumpkin Veggie Tray

Pumpkin Veggie Tray


– 2 to 4 1 lb. bags of baby carrots (depending on the size of your platter)

–2 cans of black olives

– cucum­ber, broc­coli, or cel­ery for the stem


Fill a large plate/platter with baby car­rots and use black olives to make the face of the jack o’ lantern. Start by out­lining the spaces for the olives with car­rots. Once they are some­what in place, put one layer of olives down (most of them cut in half). Then to make the plat­ter look fuller & more 3D, add more car­rots and a sec­ond layer of olives. It made a big dif­fer­ence in it looking more like a pumpkin! The stem is a just a cut cucumber chunk. Super easy & a perfect, healthy option for a Halloween party!

For more great Halloween treats, take a look at all these other spooktacular ideas: